To share in communion for the first time, children must have “sufficient knowledge and careful preparation so as to understand the mystery of Christ according to their capacity” (Code of Canon Law 913). Readiness is "determined in consultation among Priest, Parents/Guardians, Catechists, and child."
In addition to the above, preparation for these sacraments includes the following:
• Registration in STA parish or permission from your Pastor to receive the Sacrament/s at STA
• Receipt of a copy of the Child’s Baptismal Certificate
• Attendance scheduled Religious Education classes and Communion Retreat
• Attendance at Weekly Mass is expected
• Knowledge of all required prayers and understanding of the Eucharist Preparation Text
• Readiness to receive the Sacrament (determined by catechist and parent)
• Parents’ attendance at the Parent Sacrament Forum
• Minimal absences (no more than 3)
* Completed Application
St Thomas the Apostle Parish holds First Holy Communion at our weekend Masses during the Easter season. After all paperwork is handed into the PREP Office, a link to sign up for a Mass will be emailed to the parents.
The tentative dates for First Holy Communion in 2025 are:
The informational meeting for parents of our First Holy Communion classes will be held on
At this time or shortly after, we will distribute the application and signup for First Reconciliation dates and First Holy Communion dates.